Rego Physio Clinic

Fighting For a World Without Back Pain

chiropractors as passionate and committed advocates for a world without back pain, on a crusade to help as many people as possible live pain-free lives.

Patient Testimonials



"My journey with Dr. Danish Khan has been truly life changing. Struggling with a persistent spine condition, I was at a crossroads contemplating surgery when I discovered Dr. Khan's expertise. His multi-therapy approach not only provided relief from my chronic pain but also spared me from the daunting prospect of undergoing surgery. Dr. Khan's personalized care, coupled with his unparalleled knowledge, set him apart from other healthcare professionals I had encountered. The outstanding results I've experienced under his care are a testament to his commitment to excellence and compassionate approach to patient recovery. I am genuinely grateful for Dr. Danish Khan's transformative impact on my well-being."



"Being under the care of Dr. Danish Khan for a sports injury was an enlightening experience. Dr. Khan's profound understanding of physiotherapy, coupled with his hands-on approach, significantly and positively impacted my rehabilitation. His dedication to patient-centric care is admirable and evident in the exceptional results he delivers. Dr. Khan's expertise in physiotherapy is undeniable, and my recovery journey with him has been nothing short of exceptional. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Danish Khan to anyone seeking top-notch physiotherapy services and a genuine commitment to patient well-being. "



"My experience with Dr. Danish Khan goes beyond words – it's an emotional journey of healing and hope. Struggling with chronic spine pain, I was on the verge of surrender until I found Dr. Khan. His gentle demeanor and compassionate care transformed my fear into trust. Dr. Khan not only treated my pain but became a beacon of hope, steering me away from surgery. His multi-therapy approach felt like a tailored solution just for me. Today, I stand pain-free and grateful for a physiotherapist who understood the science and the heart behind healing. Dr. Danish Khan is not just a doctor; he's an empathetic healer who touches lives in profound ways."



"Dr. Danish Khan is more than a physiotherapist; he's a lifeline. I stumbled into his clinic with a sports injury, not realizing I was about to meet someone who would change my life. Dr. Khan's warmth and genuine concern made every session feel like a visit to a friend rather than a clinic. His holistic approach not only healed my injury but mended my spirit. It's not just about the exercises; it's about the encouragement, the understanding, and the unwavering support. Dr. Danish Khan doesn't just fix bodies; he mends souls. For that, I am grateful and profoundly touched by the compassionate care I received. "



"Dr. Aishwarya Bhatnagar is more than just a physiotherapist; she's a healer with a heart. I sought her help after a sports injury, and her kindness instantly put me at ease. With her effective treatments and clear guidance, I felt not just physically better but emotionally supported. Dr. Aishwarya's expertise and genuine care make her stand out. She listens, understands, and heals, making each session a positive step toward recovery. I'm grateful to her and ReGo Physio Clinic for making my healing journey so comforting and effective."



"Dr. Aishwarya Bhatnagar is a gem in the world of physiotherapy. I approached her for a persistent pain issue, and her approach was not just professional but also deeply caring. She took the time to explain everything, ensuring I felt comfortable and informed. Under her care, I experienced significant relief, and her friendly demeanor made every session enjoyable. Dr. Aishwarya's dedication and skill make her a standout physiotherapist, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking expert and compassionate care."



"Choosing Dr. Aishwarya Bhatnagar for my physiotherapy needs was a decision that positively altered my path to recovery. Dealing with a persistent ache, her friendly and approachable nature immediately put me at ease. Dr. Aishwarya took the time to understand my concerns, explaining each step of the treatment process with utmost clarity. Under her care, I experienced relief from pain and felt supported in my overall well-being. A genuine commitment to her patients complements her expertise. The comfortable ambience at ReGo Physio Clinic and Dr Aishwarya's patient-focused approach make her an outstanding choice for anyone seeking quality physiotherapy."



"My journey with Dr. Aishwarya Bhatnagar at ReGo Physio Clinic has been one marked by consistent progress and genuine care. Seeking help from a lingering discomfort, Dr. Aishwarya's down-to-earth approach made every session a positive experience. Her comprehensive understanding of physiotherapy and her ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms created an environment of trust. The tailored treatment plan she devised addressed my specific concerns and contributed to my overall physical well-being. I appreciate Dr. Aishwarya's commitment to providing personalized and effective physiotherapy, making my recovery smoother and more reassuring."

Frequently Asked Questions

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